
Grant Proposal

For: Pre-approved Applicants and Current Partners

The Merancas Foundation only accepts GRANT PROPOSALS from pre-approved applicants and current partners. If you have received an “Access Code” to complete the full application, please begin your GRANT PROPOSAL clicking the “Log In” button below and accessing your organization’s portal.

PLEASE NOTE: Current partners have been assigned an annual deadline for their grant requests to be received:  February 15th (spring cycle) or August 15th (fall cycle).  If your organization is unsure when your grant is due, please contact the Foundation.

We do not send out any generic communications/reminders regarding application deadlines.

Late submissions with no outreach (explanation /communication) to the Foundation’s staff PRIOR TO the deadline will not be accepted.

Should you desire a Foundation staff member to review your application and provide any feedback, please submit at least three weeks prior to the appropriate deadline stated above and notify us accordingly at:

Are We A Match Request

For: Potential and Not Yet Approved Applicants

The Merancas Foundation is always interested in learning more about nonprofit organizations and programs that strongly align with our charitable scope. You may submit an ARE WE A MATCH (AWM) REQUEST on our grant portal at any time during the year by clicking the “Log In” button below to create an account for your organization and complete an application.

Due to the high volume of inquiries we receive, we may not respond to every submission. However, we will reach out to organizations to request additional information if needed for further consideration.

PLEASE NOTE: All AWM applications that are in “draft” status for a period of six or more months without any log in activity will be marked as “Abandoned” and a new AWM application will need to be initiated, completed, and submitted within the next six months.


Thank you for your interest in The Merancas Foundation.  As an organization and family, we value your contributions and commitments to enriching the lives of individuals and communities in need. While we recognize the importance of the many nonprofit organizations in our service areas, The Merancas Foundation is focused on only providing grants to organizations that fulfill its mission through programs and services. Here are several important things to keep in mind before proceeding with the application process:

  • Please read and understand our mission, vision, and values before you apply.
  • The Foundation has specific geographic focuses which only include the metropolitan areas of Atlanta, Georgia; Charlotte, North Carolina; and Trenton, New Jersey.
  • Grants are only made to qualified tax-exempt nonprofits under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) code.
  • The Foundation awards grants to organizations with programs and initiatives that further our mission and align with our geographic focuses, core interests, and current strategies.
  • The Foundation does not award grants to support religion, politics, or the arts. However, the Foundation is aware that good charitable work is performed by many religious organizations. Therefore, the Foundation may support specific programs of these organizations that fall within our charitable scope provided that these programs do not promote, require participation, or serve as a gateway to any specific religious beliefs.


The Merancas Foundation uses Foundant Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) as its grant management portal. All applicants must log in to this system and create an account with The Merancas Foundation. Once an account is created, users are able to apply, submit, and manage requests. In addition to requests, this system is also the source for submitting final reports and follow-ups associated with a grant.

The Merancas Foundation is always happy to discuss any questions or address any special assistance needs via phone: 980-237-1386 or email:

Grant Types

Our Foundation awards grants in three distinct formats. Applicants can request their preferred grant type, yet the Foundation reserves the right to award grants as it deems appropriate. The Foundation may make awards in any, or multiple, of the following configurations:

  • Sustaining Grants – The Merancas Foundation issues sustaining grants to qualified applicants on a year-to-year basis. Approved applicants may use the same Access Code in subsequent years to re-apply for funding. The award of a sustaining grant will not guarantee any future awards. Applications are evaluated annually on their own merit.
  • Installment Grants – The Merancas Foundation awards installment grants on a very limited basis. These grants are usually given to support capital requests or a specific interest for the receiving organization. Installment grants are issued in multiple payments over a defined timeframe. It is generally expected that funding will terminate at the end of the installment period.
  • One-Time Grants – The Merancas Foundation issues one-time grants for specific projects or initiatives that do not repeat.